Monday, August 29, 2011

What's In A Name? - Chapter #103

Free Enterprise   - What's In A Name?  -  Chapter  #103

The rest of the day Tyr sent with his wives and sons in the holodeck park. Both Alexander and Lysander were both ecstatic to spend quality time with their dad. Both sons not only played and horsed around with Daddy, but dutifully drooled, and spit up on him.

Both sons also tied to yank Tyr's dreads out by the roots, until Amanda tied them back.

“I thought you said Agamemnon warned you about that.” Xena said, as she lay Alexander on his back and removed his soiled napkin.

“He did, but with all of the recent goings on. . . .” Tyr started, as he bent over to tickle him. Alexander hated to be changed and needed to be distracted a bit. . . .

That's when he peed in Tyr's eye, and giggled.

As the rest of the wives hooted and laughed. Amanda announced, cheerfully. “Now you have been officially baptized into fatherhood!”

Xena handed Tyr a towel to wipe his eye with one hand and a fresh napkin with the other. “You might as well learn how to change him while you're at it.” she said.

Tyr took the “fixins” and cleaned, frank, beans and buns and had the fresh “nappy” on in minutes. Minutes later Alexander was snuggled in Desi's arms and fast asleep.

“Yeah, you did enough damage for the day.” Desi said.

“This seems to be the only time he keeps his napkins on. When he's awake, he always manages to wiggle out of it, or have it halfway hanging off.” Xena said.

“Heaven help us, we have another Nudie in the family.” Amanda said. The Ping twins looked at each other and shrugged. Desi smiled.

“Don't say that too loud. He will get ideas.” Tyr replied.

“Nope, it's an inherited family tradition. There has to be at least one streaker child in every Anasazi clan. However, in this case, there may be two. . . . .” Desi said, as she gazed pointedly at Lysander, who was intent upon stealing food from his father's plate. He was trying desperately to make short work of a broccoli stalk, but since he had no teeth. . . . . .

“Lysander, you cannot eat that because you have no teeth to chew with.” Tyr said to him. He gazed up at Tyr pitifully. Tyr was well aware that due the Nietzscheans accelerated growth, Lysander would start teething in a few short weeks. Then he would be able to eat practically anything. But for now. . . . . .

“Give me that.” Amanda said. “I'll do what my GrandMam used to do. Mash it, or chop it up fine so you can spoon it to him. Obviously he's ready to eat real food, even without teeth.” she continued. She took the broccoli and left the holodeck. A few minutes later she was back with a tiny bowl with a tiny spoon. Both she handed to Tyr.

She had obviously put the broccoli through a food processor. Not only was it pureed, but it was also warm. “I put a tiny bit of organic butter in it. He should love that.” Amanda added.

Lysander was overjoyed to be eating the same thing his Daddy was eating, that he squealed with joy with every spoonful.

“Easily delighted by little things. . . . .” Tamara thought and smiled. That's what she loved about children the most.

* * * * * * * *

Much later after his wives and children had returned to the quad, to bed down for the night, Tyr was still awake. Even though it was 0003 hours, he was too keyed up to sleep. So he headed down to engineering, where he knew someone would still be up.

He arrived in the middle of the tour change. Gamma shift was leaving as Alpha shift double timed in. All scurried to their posts once they noticed who was in their midst. Though Tyr was dressed in jeans, t-shirt, and moccasins, he still cut an authorative and imposing figure.

He smiled and nodded at those at their posts and nodded at Lt. Commander Monique Harper who was in charge. She nodded and returned the acknowledgment. However, he was looking for her husband.

Tyr entered Seamus' inner sanctum and was surprised, shocked, that it no longer resembled an old fashioned scrap yard. Obviously, Monique had gotten on Seamus' case about keeping his office and work space clean and organized. Tyr found his little brother with his back turned to him, and totally engrossed in a current project.

“Hey, Big Guy!” Seamus called out brightly. His time spent with Tyr had given him a sixth sense like sensitivity to when his Big Nietzschean Brother was looming over him. It was like the electrical current changed in the room or something. . . . .

“Good Morning, Little Brother. How are you?” Tyr asked, as he smiled.

“Bored.” Seamus replied as he tossed aside the piece of tech he had been tackling.

“Bored? How could YOU be bored with technology?” Tyr asked. Seamus was a genius and electronic whiz, so he loved all things technical. The problem was, some technical things did not love him back, and gave him the dickens.

“I've been trying to puzzle that stupid thing out since yesterday and it's not gelling yet. I need to take a rest from it.” Seamus sighed and replied.

“With another project?” Tyr asked. Seamus often had projects lined up. If he got tired of one, there was another he could tackle, and so on. . . . .

“Well, sorta. I'm thinking something totally low tech, though. I need to brush up on my hover boarding, care to join me?” Seamus asked.

“I don't see why not.” Tyr replied.

* * * * * * * * *

“When and how did you learn to hover board?” Tyr asked. They were back in the holodeck, dressed in hover board gear, and carrying their boards.

“I already knew how to water surf. In fact I practically lived on the beach and surfed away most of my teenaged years. I won all kinds of awards and stuff, because I was surfing on the circuit instead of attending school. When I entered Starfleet, I missed it so much, because you can't water surf if you don't have an ocean. So a fellow cadet taught me how to hover board. Since I already knew how to surf, I took to hover boarding like a fish in water.” Seamus replied.

“I find it to be an enjoyable activity.” Tyr said.

“If you think hover boarding is awesome, you should try. . . . . . . Hey! I can teach you how to water surf! I taught Monique how to surf while we were on Pinnacle. . . . .” Seamus started. Tyr had briefly taken notice their absence, and now knew why Seamus' was so tan.

“What was your handle while you were on the circuit, Seamus?” Tyr asked.

“Wave Rider.” Seamus answered proudly. “I use it on the hover board circuit too. We're gonna have to find a name for you, Tyr.”

“Seamus, you know very well as the Nietzschean Viceroy, I could never compete publicly . . . . . . .” Tyr started.

“That's alright. It can be something just between us.” Seamus replied.

“It would have to be a worthy Nietzschean handle.” Tyr replied, as he fired up, hopped on his board and followed Seamus on a course through the park.

NOTE TO READERS A worthy Nietzschean handle. I guess that means the name “Snooky” is out. . . . . . Any suggestions?

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