Free Enterprise - Visitors - Chapter #59
As soon as the gangplank hit the deck, out rushed ten black garbed, well-armed and well-trained soldiers. They did a circuit around the ship and the Deep Space Ten welcoming committee.
“CLEAR!” one officer called into a wrist mike, as the others relaxed and powered down their energy rifles. They went back to the gangplank and divided themselves into two lines. One line containing five officers stood on the right. Five others stood on the left.
A veiled male official disembarked carrying a rug, which turned out to be a red carpet runner. This he rolled out from the ships gangplank to within one foot of where HaxHis stood. The official then turned towards the ship and went down on bended knee.
The next people to debark the ship where six well-muscled, identically dressed, and veiled male servants. They bore the cross beams of a sedan chair on their shoulders. In said sedan chair sat none other than the Teleborian Pharaoh. The sedan chair bearers brought the Pharaoh down the red carpeted path and stopped perhaps a foot away from HaxHis where they in one coordinated move, let down the sedan chair. The official bowed and scraped, put slippers on her bare feet and helped her down from the chair. She then walked forward to meet HaxHis.
“You may rise.” she said in a contralto voice, and watched with keen interest as both Khan and Tyr stood.
“Welcome to Deep Space Ten, Pharaoh.” HaxHis said, as she held out her hand paws, palms up, claws retracted, and bowed.
“Thank you. And your name is?” the Teleborian Pharaoh asked.
“I am Fleet Admiral Haxhistria, of the Third Fleet. Please allow me to introduce Rear Admiral Tyr Anasazi, Captain Khan, Civilian Liaison Amanda Hemingway, Captain Tamara McPhearson, and Commander Xena Anol.” HaxHis said.
She noticed with sudden shock that the Pharaoh was literally dressed like the Egyptians of old. Full head dress, kohled eyes, the robes, the jewelry, the complete works. Plus, the woman could not have been more than five foot tall. And she seemed particularly interested in Tyr for some reason.
“Forgive me Captain Anasazi. . . . .” she started in heavily accented Standard. “. . . . . . . I have never encountered a race such as yours. What are you called?” the Teleborian Pharaoh asked as she gazed up at him.
“I am a Nietzschean, Your Majesty.” Tyr replied. At that word, the yet unnamed official who was standing at the Pharaoh's right side, made a hasty entry on his electronic tablet. No doubt he was going to link it up and relay the facts to his superior later.
“And what are these protuberances on your forearms? Are they for decorative purposes?” she asked. Tyr was momentarily taken aback, as he'd never had his bone blades referred to as “protuberances”. Tyr expertly removed his left gauntlet and showed the Pharaoh that his bone blades were indeed part of his body and that they were lethal weapons.
“Interesting.” she said, then she noticed Xena.
“And this is a female of your species?” she asked Tyr.
“She is.” Tyr replied. The Pharaoh noticed that though Xena's bone blades were smaller, that they were no less lethal looking. And perhaps she also noticed Xena's shy glances at Tyr.
“Is she your spouse?” The Teleborian Pharaoh asked.
The Teleborian Pharaoh
“Yes, she is as well as thses." he replied as he reached out and pulled Amanda and Tamara to him. The Pharaoh looked at all four of them with widened eyes.
“This is becoming more and more interesting every second. But, we must discuss imperative business. Perhaps afterwards, we can engage in a friendly cultural exchange.” she said.
“We have a nice meeting room all set up, if you would step right this way, Your Majesty.” HaxHis said as she gestured towards the landing bays exit. The Pharaoh followed her, as well her lackey, and security force. HaxHis was surprised to see that they were all female.
Tyr noted at the very end of the procession a hooded and robed figure followed. There was something vaguely familiar about the body posture, and how they walked. . . . . .
“Rommie?” he whispered, as he turned to frown in the anonymous person's direction.
“I knew I couldn't fool you for long, Tyr.” Rommie sighed, as she pulled the hood back to reveal a familiar smiling face.
“Welcome back in from the cold, Captain.” Tyr said.
“And I believe congratulations are in order, in more ways than one, Rear Admiral.” Rommie whispered in return.
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