Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Landfall - Chapter #80

Free Enterprise - Landfall  -  Chapter #80

Despite the late night the Anasazi household was up and on the move early.

Tyr woke up after fours of sleep and headed for the gym for for one of his infamous workouts. While he was doing this his wives took care of last minute details. Tamara and Amanda helped with Alexander and Lysander, while Xena prepared breakfast for them all.

By the time Tyr had finished his workout and returned breakfast was ready for all. They sat and had a quiet meal while Tyr explained Khan's prediction.

“We are with you if you need us, Babe.” Tamara said. As she handed out a platter of cinnamon toast, eggs, couscous and sausage. All organic of course.

“We'll hold down the fort while you spend time with your Dad. You deserve it.” Xena said, as she cradled a fussy Alexander and positioned him to nurse.

Lysander was perfectly happy to hang out in Amanda's arms, kick and gurgle.

“Thank You.” Tyr sighed. He was hyper conscious of the fact that it was T-minus one and a half hours to landfall.

“Do we have everything packed that we would need?” He asked.
“Just a few minor things and we'll be ready.” Tamara replied. Xena and Amanda switched babies. Amanda spread a towel on her broad left shoulder, took Alexander in her arms, put him on her shoulder and began to burp him.

“Now, don't you upchuck on me like you did yesterday.” Amanda fussed at Alexander. He fussed right back, and everyone moved out of the line of fire.

“I swear this kid knows how to talk already!” Amanda said aloud and everyone had a good laugh. For they all knew that due the Nietzscheans accelerated growth process, he literally would be able to speak in about two months or so.

“I've briefed the crew on shore leave restrictions and protocols since we are going to be there about a month.” Tamara stated.

“I'm sure everyone is anxious to get off this ship, smell fresh air and walk on solid land for a change.” Tyr replied. The Insurrection was his baby, and he loved it, but, he too was anxious to set his feet on dirtside.

He however, was between a rock and a hard place. The first planet bound shore leave in months and look how he would have to spend it. He would've loved to spend time with his extended family, take his wives around to see Pinnacle's landmarks, museums, and perhaps attend a couple of concerts, but, that would not be.

“Perhaps I can arrange for one of my brother's wives to show them around.” Tyr thought. But, he knew within his heart all three of them would stick to him like glue.

“Admiral Anasazi. Captain McPhearson.” Ensign DeMato's voice called.

“Yes Ensign.” Tamara answered, for Tyr was playing with Alexander. A clever guise to get him dressed in his best to meet the masses. Apparently he did not like to get dressed for some reason. Lysander presented no such problem, and was laying quietly in Amanda's arms.

“We are within communications range of Pinnacle's Space Central and they are hailing us.” DeMato replied.

“I will be there shortly.” Tyr replied. He handed his now dressed son to Xena and kissed her. He gave Amanda a kiss and both he and Tamara left their quad and headed for the lift.

Upon arrival on the bridge, they found HaxHis already had taken charge and was speaking to Landing Control. After receiving instructions from the Landing Control Commander herself, HaxHis was about to stand and allow Tyr to sit when:

“Ma'am! Another hail is coming in! It's from Agamemnon Anasazi.” Ensign DeMato said.

Tyr looked at HaxHis.

“I believe I'd better take this one.” He said. DeMato tabbed the control and Agamemnon’s appeared on the viewscreen. Those present who'd never met any of Tyr's immediate family were shocked at the striking resemblance. Only Agamemnon who was Tyr's oldest brother sported gray in his tied back dreadlocks and beard.

“So you really are here.” Agamemnon said as he beamed.

“Yes, I am.” Tyr replied, as he smiled in return. He noted his brother had wrinkle lines around the eyes. “How have I not seen that before?” he wondered.

“The Matriarch and The Arch Duke will be overjoyed to see you.” Agamemnon said. Meaning, Mommy and Daddy will be happy to see you. But the two egotistical Nietzscheans couldn't very well say THAT over an open and public channel.

“Do they know yet?” Tyr asked.

“No, they do not.” Agamemnon replied.

“Do not tell them. My estimated time of arrival will be in ten minutes.” Tyr stated.

“Very well, I will see you soon, Nudie. . . . . . er. . . .Tyr.” Agamemnon bumbled, then smiled as innocently as the pure driven snow, then signed off. Everyone turned to stare at Tyr.

“Nudie?” Tamara asked, Tyr mentally. A question no doubt everyone else was dying to ask.

“Believe me, you don't want to know.” Tyr thought back.

“We shall see about that.” Tamara threatened, good naturedly.

“Marked for life, I am. . . . .” Tyr thought.

“Ensign Stokes. Use the following coordinates and make landfall.” HaxHis ordered, as she handed the coordinates to her on a padd. Stokes quickly made the adjustments and The Insurrection started her decent.

Tyr had two options. He could've landed The Insurrection at one of Pinnacle's Spaceports, nearest to The Anasazi Family Compound and taken private transport to the home. Or, he could land as close as possible to the location. Since the compound was in a rural area of the continent, Tyr chose to land the ship as close to the house as possible.

Once there arrangements would be made for his crew to either be hosted by family, and travel to and from the nearest urban areas. And those who wanted to stay on the ship ( there were always those ) could do so.

“Show off! You just want everyone to see The Insurrection.” Tamera mentally accused Tyr. “You are lucky she is capable of landing, and not crashing like Deanna Troi did with The Enterprise- D.” she continued.

Tyr coughed to hide a laugh. Whatever he had done in the Academy, never compared to that stunt. That was definitely one for the all time record books.

To the accompaniment of Gilgamesh's announcement that they were now landed on Pinnacle and Shore Leave rotation would start forthwith, Tyr, Tamara, Haxis and Khan got on the lift. They rode it down to the main access tunnel and met Amanda, Xena, his sons, Harper, Monique, Dylan, Bekka, Rommie, and their luggage.

After the triple access and final door opened, fresh air and sunlight flooded in. Tyr was prepared and was wearing his infamous sunglasses. He looked to the right and saw HaxHis was wearing a small tiara on her head.

“Even though my younger sister sits on the throne in my place, I am still Queen, Tyr. This, though it is annoying and gives me a headache is very helpful in diplomatic instances like this.” she replied to Tyr's unspoken query.

“Diplomatic? How?” He asked.

“Your grandfather Temujin 11 officially welcomed The Katay into the Nietzschean fold. So, Barbarossa and I go way back you can say.” she replied.

Both stopped their conversation upon seeing a group of perhaps twenty Nietzschean males approach. It was obvious that these were none other than Tyr's older siblings or cousins. For they all favored him.

“OMG! They all look like you!” Tamara thought.

“No, Tamara. We all look like our father.” Tyr thought in reply.

“Hail, HaxHista of the Katay!” Agamemnon said as he held his hands out and inclined his head Katay style.

“Hail and well met Agamemnon Anasazi.” HaxHis replied.

“You are most welcome to share our humble abode.” Agamemnon stated.

“Thank you in advance my Nietzschean Brother.” HaxHis replied.

“Hail, Tyr Anasazi!” Agamemnon said.

“Hail and well met, Agamemnon.” Tyr replied.

“So that is your ship, eh?” Agamemnon asked, as he gazed in wonder up at The Insurrection.

“I am her Captain.” Tyr replied.

“I thought Starfleet vessels could not land.” Agamemnon stated, as the group began walking and following him back to the compound.

“Most of the large classes like The Constitution, the Excelsior, the Galaxy cannot. However The Defiant, The Akira, The Nova and The Intrepid class vessels can. The Insurrection is a Nova class.” Tyr replied.

“I would like to hear more about this later. Right now, we must surprise Mom and Dad.” Agamemnon said, as the approached the large stone edifice that was the Anasazi compound.

Note to readers:

The incident Tamara spoke of where Deanna Troi crashed the Saucer Section of the Enterprise-D was in the Star Trek Movie: “Generations”. Thank you so much Commander Warp for giving me the answer to that puzzle.

he ship classes Tyr spoke about are correct according to the sites listed below. There a lot more ships, but for the stories sake I didn't want to have to list every single one. That would have been big time boring. . .

The rest you can read here:


and here:


and here:


Please do not ask why link 3 comes before link 2 . . . .

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