Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Three In One - Chapter #105

Free Enterprise  -  Three In One  -  Chapter #105

After a long workout and a leisurely breakfast with his friend Captain Hunt, Tyr headed for the bridge.

The moment The Rear Admiral stepped of the lift, Tamara stood and offered him the command chair. However, Tyr refused, and headed for the Ready Room. He found Khan already standing at the the giant clear steel portal, and watching the stars.

“Good day to hunt, isn't it Pride Brother?” Tyr yowled in Katay.

“It all depends on what you are hunting, Pride Brother.” Khan responded in kind. “If you are hunting a poor, hapless, herbivore, it is a good day. However, if it someone or thing that is just as cunning as we are. . . . .” Khan continued, as he pulled his whiskers back with mirth. Tyr nodded his understanding.

“Did you sleep well, Khan?” he asked.

“As well as I could with two kits curled up with us. In fact my wife requisitioned a new sleeping basket for each from the quartermaster and we will try them out tonight. Most likely they will still sleep with each other in one basket until they are old enough to separate.” Khan said.

Referring to the fact that Katay kits slept together like a basket full of kittens. It was a warmth, comfort and companionship thing. They often quit during their prepubescent years, which meant in a year or two they would be hunting for a mate. Once in a while, like everything else, you would either find “clingers” or extreme “individualists”.

“That is good to hear.” Tyr replied.

“And how are Alexander and Lysander?” Khan asked.

“It would seem that all they do is cry, sleep, eat and void.” Tyr replied. Which caused Khan to go into a fit of chuffing.

“Tyr, that is the lot of and the very reason they are called babies. They are utterly helpless and that is all they have the capacity to do until they grow up and are progressively taught better. It is truly a pity you were not exposed to the task of caring for younger siblings when you were younger. My personal advise to all potential fathers is to either take care of younger siblings, relatives, or friends children. That way they would get a personal taste of what it's like to have children of their own. You see, those children, you can always give back to their parents. But, you are stuck with and responsible for your own.” Khan replied.

“It has definitely been a learning experience for me.” Tyr replied.

“Good, because you have more on the way.” Khan replied.

“More? Amanda?” Tyr frowned and asked, while the tiny hairs stood on the back of his neck.

”Damn! I hate when he does that!” he thought.

“Meaning no disrespect to the Retired Admiral, but that is old news.” Khan replied.

“Then whom . . . . .?” Tyr hazarded to start.

“Who were the latest three wives to take you as their consort?”

”Desi, Hoy Li and Li Hoy. . . . . .” Tyr thought.

“All three?” Tyr asked.

“After all, you have bragged to me hundreds of times that all Nietzschean arrows fly true. . . . . . Apparently it is . . . . true.” Khan replied as he pulled his whiskers back with mirth.

“All three?” Tyr asked.

“Yes, Tyr. All three.”

On the Bridge, fourteen heads looked up from their duties and electronic displays, to gaze and wonder at the Ready Room door. Only Tamara knew what Tyr's victory shout was all about. She smiled though she ached inside.

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