Free Enterprise - Reflections - Chapter #79
It had been a long and busy day, but Amanda decided to have an impromptu dinner for her husband's immediate family and friends. He was aware that landfall was tomorrow at 0750 hours and was restive. She was hoping being surrounded by friends and family would help ease his mind somewhat.
Currently he sat on the couch talking with Captain Hunt and Seamus as Lysander lay cuddled and asleep in his arms. Amanda on the other hand was holding Alexander, and he, despite the lateness of the hour, was wide awake.
“You better go to sleep because you are going to be a very busy baby tomorrow. Everyone will want to see you, and hold you and kiss you, and there will be little time to sleep.” she crooned to the babe. Alexander briefly closed his eyes then opened them.
“Fighting sleep.” Amanda said, as she shook her head.
“He likes to do that. He thinks he's going to miss something.” Xena said. Amanda handed Alexander to her and she headed for the nursery to put him to bed.
Captain Valentine, Dr. Trance, Dr. Kori, Gilgamesh, and Rommie all said good night. Hunt and Harper said their goodbyes and left as well, leaving Khan. And the immediate family.
Tyr stood and handed Lysander over to Tamara, and she took him to the nursery.
Tyr looked up and caught Khan's eye. Sabra had left about an hour ago with their little ones in order to put them to bed also.
This meant Khan was hanging back because he had something important to impart. The man had not even spoken yet and Tyr could already feel the short hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.
“It is hidden, so I don't know.” Khan meowed in response to Tyr's questioning “When is he going to die?” gaze. There were things that even the precognitive Katay did not see, or know, so this was the standard answer.
“What I do know is that you must spend as much quality time with Barbarossa as possible, because this will be the last time you will see him alive.” Khan continued in Katay.
“What do I . . . . . . How do I. . . . .?” Tyr asked as his voice caught. It was a good thing that no one else was present to witness it.
“This is where life has come full circle. There is an Earth saying 'once a man twice a child'. When dealing with an older adult at times you become their servant because they cannot do for themselves like they used to. They may need assistance with, grooming, walking, eating, toileting, etc. Sometimes, they just need someone to talk to and reminisce with. Simply indulge him, Tyr.” Khan meowed.
Tyr was devastated. The rock solid presence of his father Barbarossa, Arch Duke of the Kodiak Pride was going to be removed from his life, permanently. Nietzscheans were raised to be independent, survivalists, and self sufficient, but their familial ties were strong, often to the death. Sometimes these very ties were the cause of death. . . . .
During this moment of indecision and hesitation, Khan pulled the Nietzschean to him in a hug.
“We are with you, my Brother. We are with you.” Khan said.
2nd NOTE TO READERS Sorry for this sad and possible tear jerker chapter. Tyr would have to be a man of stone NOT TO react to the news Khan gave him. I would've bawled my eyes out. . . . . . . .
Reference: Tyr shed tears over the loss of his wife Freya in the Andromeda episode "Double Helix".
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