Free Enterprise - Pride and Prejudice - Chapter #112
“. . . . . . . . . So, the Dolgarians wish me to sponsor them as a candidate race to enter The Federation.” Tyr stated to HaxHis.
“Obviously so.” Haxhis replied. Tyr noted both Khan and she had been rather tight lipped during the entire exchange between Stripe and him. Apparently the old tensions between the two races had not eased over the years.
After the Dolgarian delegation had made their request, they'd went one way. Then, Tyr, HaxHis, Khan and Amanda went another and ducked into one of Deep Space Ten's unused offices to hold a private meeting.
“Why me?” Tyr asked.
“Nearly twenty-five years ago a Dolgarian ship crashed on Pinnacle. It just so happened that Barbarossa was with out with his hunting party, and they all witnessed it. They found the crash site and rescued the survivors. The survivors were quietly nursed back to health and quietly returned to their home planet. The reason you did not know about it, is because as per the Dolgarians request, all records of the events were scrubbed from Nietzschean history. However, the Dolgarians kept it as part of theirs, and Barbarossa is a revered hero to them.” Khan said.
Tyr frowned. Barbarossa always made sure he was along on those hunting trips. They were his favorite Father and Son bonding activity.
”Nothing like killing hapless woodland creatures, cooking them over a wood fire, and consuming the resulting meal, to bring father and son together. . . . . . . Tyr thought. ” I would've been eight years old at the time, and. . . .. . . . he vividly recalled the incident.
The hunting party had seen what they thought was a shooting star in the Eastern sky. But, as it got closer, it was coming in at an impossible rate of speed. Obviously, it was a ship that was going to crash. After the impact, the Nietzschean Navy had scrambled ships to investigate, but Barbarossa and his party were closer and thanks to their horses, arrived there faster.
Unfortunately, one of the first orders Barbarossa snapped out, was for Tyr to return to the compound. So, he never saw the ship nor who was rescued from the wreckage. When Tyr asked his father about the events later on that evening, Barbarossa replied “One day, when you become a leader you will learn that not all things you see can be told. Not all things that you don't see, can be explained.” In other words, “Mind your business, Tyr.” The incident was never discussed again.
“Off the record, how do you know so much about the Dolgarians and this incident?” Amanda queried.
“We Katay have listening posts and spy networks.” HaxHis replied. “Though we signed a truce pact with the Dolgarians, we didn't trust them any further than we could toss them. We certainly did not trust them to stay within their own borders. So, we kept an eye on them. Just as we suspected, they blatantly crossed into our territory. That's why they wound up crashing on Pinnacle.” she continued.
”Something is not right here. . . . . .” Tyr thought, as he kept his face inscrutable.
“What was the cause of the crash? Were they fired upon?” Tyr asked.
“We have no clue how the crash happened. And I assure you. The Katay had nothing to do with it . . . . . . .” Haxhis said as she held up her handpaws.
“Are you sure there wasn't a cloaked Katay ship out there somewhere that gave it just a teeny-weeny shove?” Amanda asked. Tyr glanced briefly at her, as he was wondering the very same question.
“No, Madame.” Khan said, in deference to Amanda's new rank. Civilian Attache of Deep Space Ten.
“Who were the survivors?” Tyr asked.
“The Dolgarians have a monarchy ruling system. And the survivors were none other than The Crown Prince, his wife and their six pups.” HaxHis replied.
“Ewww! That doesn't sound good. . . .” Amanda chimed in.
“No, that does not.” Tyr stated. ”Were they out on a family shopping trip, or were they fleeing and seeking exile?” Tyr wondered.
“Was their original destination ever disclosed?” Amanda asked.
“Never. If it was, it was lost in translation.” HaxHis said. Code words meaning if it had been disclosed, it was scrubbed from the records.
“Tyr, were I you, I would not trust them.” HaxHis continued.
“In order to become one of The Federation member races, the Dolgarians MUST have something to bring to the Fedration table. Either advanced weaponry, or technology, advanced scientific knowledge, valuable medical techniques and or cures, ship design, something. We, the Katay have examined the Dolgarians and discovered that aside from the Packleds, they are the most useless race in the galaxy!” Khan stated. Tyr and Amanda both exchanged hard looks.
”That is an awfully strong assessment . . . . . It borders on, dear I say, prejudice?” Tyr thought.
“Surely they must be good for something, besides a good laugh.” Amanda countered.
“Oh, you've noticed that too, eh? That's because they all behave like a bunch of spoiled juvenile delinquents. If they didn't have strong pack leaders and a stable government, we'd be in a universe of trouble!” HaxHis replied.
“Also, be careful with your valuables around them, they are horrendous thieves. Count your fingers after shaking paws with them!” Khan piped up.
“They must have made some kind of advances in space travel if they made it as far as Pinnacle and Deep Space Ten.” Tyr said.
“Yes, they crashed on Pinnacle. . .” Khan started.
“. . . . . and the ship they arrived here in must be on it's last legs! Have you ever seen a Dolgarian ship?” HaxHis asked. Tyr knew she was just asking a rhetorical question.
“No, I have not.” he replied, anyway.
“Neither have I.” Amanda added also. In response,, Khan pulled out his handy-dandy padd, tabbed, referenced the page, and showed Tyr and Amanda the holo.
“You have got to be frelling kidding! Are you sure this wasn't HoloShopped?” Amanda asked, incredulously. Taking the words right out of Tyr's mouth, only he wanted to use much stronger words. In present company, he dared not. All he did was stare and tried mightily not to burst out laughing.
The holo presented something akin to something which came straight from an Old Earth car grave yard. The materials used to build The Dolgarians vessel resembled a collection of cars which had been smashed flat. There was no specific rhyme or reason where pieces were placed. As long as things stuck together, they stayed that way. The thing was a literal flying junk pile!
”No wonder the confounded thing crashed! I'm surprised it made it through the Dolgarian atmosphere!” Tyr thought.
“Have you ever been on one of them?” Amanda asked of both HaxHis and Khan. Both Katay stared back at her as if she had lost her mind.
“I would not be caught . . . . . .” HaxHis started.
“. . . . . . .dead on one of those things!” Khan finished.
“Now, I see why the Dolgarians chose me to sponsor them." Tyr declared as he crossed his arms. "I my selection for or against them would be totally unbiased.” he continued. Both HaxHis and Khan stared at the Nietzschean. That was the last thing they wanted to hear. Amanda silently cheered her consort on.
“But Barbarossa. . . . . .” Khan started.
“The phrase “like father like son” does not apply to Nietzscheans. We raise our children to be individuals, not miniature likenesses of ourselves. Therefore, although I am Barbarossa's son, I have been given a fresh canvass on which to paint. I will consider the Dolgarians appeal for sponsorship, after I've done some personal research on the matter. In the meantime I suggest that you get them a love offering.” Tyr stated.
“A love offering?” Khan asked.
“A symbol of truce. Something to let the Dolgarians know that you welcome them here. That the Katay are at least willing to talk to them, again.” Amanda suggested.
“What kind of offering? Flowers?” HaxHis asked.
“Blueberries.” Tyr replied. Both HaxHis and Khan looked at each other askance.
“BLUEBERRIES?” HaxHis asked, incredulously.
“Barbarossa kept hunting dogs and as a treat, he gave them fresh blueberries. Since Dolgarians ARE canines . . . . .” Tyr suggested. "Blueberries were not only a treat, but they are an excellent source of antioxidants for Canis Familiaris." Tyr thought.
“. . . . . . and invite them to the dinner. . . .” Amanda also suggested.
“Horrors! They might pee on people and things!” A dismayed HaxHis cried. Both Tyr and Amanda stared uncompromisingly at the two Katay. The combination of The Nietzschean Stare Down and the Promethean Gimlet Eye. . . . . . . . .
“Alright,alright, I will invite them.” HaxHis sighed and relented. “I will see if we have a large quantity of fresh blueberries available on the station. If not I will have a rush order sent up from Paradise.” she continued. HaxHis tapped her com badge and gave the orders to her secretary to set things in motion.
“Now, I believe we have a state dinner to attend and like The Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland: We are late to a very important date.” she continued, once finished.
HaxHis, Khan, Tyr and Amanda filed out out of the office, where they were swallowed up by their waiting entourage.
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