Character Profiles

This is will list the profiles of the Main Characters I mention in "Free Enterprise".  I know, I know.  I should've done this a lot sooner. . . . .


Rear Admiral Tyr Anasazi

Assignment: Rear Admiral of Deep Space Ten
Race: Nietzschean
Pride: Kodiak
Clan: Anasazi
Gender: Male/Alpha
Eye Color: Hazel ( in bright light )
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Long dreadlocks
Height: 6'6
Weight: 285lbs
Physical Condition and Build: Excellent, Very Muscular
Skin Coloring: Caramel Brown
Appearance Resembles: Tyr Anasazi of “Andromeda”
Cravings: Double chocolate fudge brownies and strong coffee.

Interests: Working out, healthy eating, martial arts, yoga, weaponry ( skilled with all kinds and bone blades ), hunting, hiking, camping, survivalist, reading ( eclectic reading tastes: Sun Tzu, Shakespeare, Ghandi, The Bible, Ancestor's Breath, Ayn Rand, etc ) , cooking, dancing, classical music ( Opera ) and loves children. He has a weakness for double chocolate fudge brownies, strong coffee and Rakitgiino. And upon the pain of torture and death will not admit he loves spoiling and catering to his wives and being spoiled/catered to by them in return.

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Captain Tamara McPhearson-Anasazi

Assignment: Captain of The USS INSURRECTION
First and Senior Wife of Rear Admiral Anasazi
Race: Vulcan
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red/Auburn
Hair Style: Short ( like T'Pol's )
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150lbs
Physical Condition and Build: Excellent and Slim ( deceptively willowy but very strong )
Skin Coloring: Vulcan normal
Appearance Resembles: T'Pol from “Enterprise”
Her pet name for Tyr: “Babe”

Interests: Martial arts, music, singing, playing the guitar and piano, wants to learn how to dance and cook, and loves kids.

Additional Notes:
Tamara is a Vulcan, but was raised on Earth by Human adoptive parents where she learned that she liked her emotions. At age 20 she got curious about her Vulcan roots and went to Vulcan to study. After ten years she became disgusted with her studies, quit, applied for and was accepted into Starfleet Academy. The rest is history. On Vulcan Tamara had Vulcanized her name and changed it to “T'Marra”. However, in celebration of her emotions, she changed her name back to the Human version. She now considers herself to be a "Liberated Vulcan".

A Step Backward:

According to her heavily redacted Starfleet record, Tamara's birth parents were spies for Section 31. They were on a secret assignment posing as merchants when their cover was blown and they were put to death. Previously, before they went on this particular assignment, they had turned over guardianship of their only daughter ( Tamara ) to their best friends, The McPhearsons. Who, upon finding out they had perished, adopted Tamara as their own, even though they were Human/African American and she was Vulcan. She was raised side by side with the McPhearson's blood born children and of course wasn't taught much about logic.

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Commander Xena Anol-Anasazi

Assignment: Chief of Security of the USS INSURRECTION
Second Wife Of Rear Admiral Anasazi
Race: Nietzschean
Pride: Kodiak
Clan: Anasazi
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long, ponytail
Height: 6' feet
Weight: 180
Physical Condition and Build: Excellent, muscular
Skin Coloring: Carcassian
Appearance Resembles: Laura Croft
Her Pet Name For Tyr: “Sweetness”

Interests: Martial arts, weaponry, security, and intelligence. In other words, she LOVES her job. She also enjoys reading, handcrafts, and is a natural haircare and beautician. Her dream is to open her own beauty and barber studio.

Additional Notes:
Xena is a typical Nietzschean and is gung-ho about everything she does. Especially her job.

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Admiral (RET) Amanda Vanessa Hemingway-Anasazi

Third Wife Of Admiral Anasazi
Current Assignment: Deep Space Ten's Civilian Liaison
Race: Promethean
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Cleopatra ( “glacier blue” like a Malamute Huskie's eyes)
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Military “High and Tight”. Short on sides, long enough on top for tiny curls.
Height: 6'2”
Weight: 210lbs
Physical Condition and Build: Excellent, Muscular ( proportioned or "thick" )
Skin Coloring: Mahogany
Appearance Resembles: Queen Latifah
Special Characteristics: Two hearts, Four Lungs.
Her Pet Name For Tyr: “Boo” Or “Bo”

Interests: High gravity workouts, martial arts, yoga, drawing, painting, weaving, singing, she can also play several instruments, dancing, cooking, reading and loves kids.

Additional Notes:
Amanda is a Promethean. A member of a race of Humans who were born and raised on a high gravity planet ( Prometh ). Therefore, Amanda may look overweight, but in actuality she is muscular. To keep fit, she exercises in a High Gravity Dome or Ball ( which is portable ) or uses one of the holo-suites or decks. She also tends to sleep in a high gravity environment ( unless she knows she's going to have a “certain” visitor ). Her physical strength is on par with Tyr's.

Due to the heavy gravity of their planet, Prometheans developed a heavier bone structure and more muscle mass. In order for blood and air to properly circulate in this larger and heavier body. They also developed two hearts and four lungs.

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Lieutenant Commander Monique Ares Estevez

Assignment: Assistant to Chief Engineer of the USS INSURECTION
Wife of Lieutenant Commander Seamus Harper
Race: Nietzschean
Pride: Formerly “Nez Perz” now of “Secreto”
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Baby Dreadlocks
Height: 5'4”
Weight: 145
Physical Condition and build: Excellent, Small but very strong.
Skin Coloring: Dark Brown
Seamus' pet name for her: "Noni"

Interests: Martial arts ( has a 7th degree black belt in Karate ) and is an expert at all kinds of weaponry since she does not possess bone blades, and like her husband she is an electronics wiz.

Additional Notes:
Monique is one of the minority of Nietzscheans who was born telepathic. Unfortunately for her and many of her kind, them being born with this “gift” was considered to be an anathema. Nietzscheans are a paranoid people and the last thing they needed living among them were members of their own race who knew their very thoughts.

The details were sketchy, but two Prides ( Dragon and Orca ) took it upon themselves to go on an ethnic cleansing program, killing and torturing thousands of Tele-Nietzscheans (telepathic Nietzscheans).

Two things put a stop to the killings. Arch Duke Barbarossa Anasazi of the ruling Pride, Kodiak, issued a decree against the killings. He also warned that those who continued to kill and torture the Tele-Nietzscheans, would be swiftly hunted down and killed themselves. The other factor was a mass exodus of the Tele-Nietscheans. One morning everyone woke up and one fourth of the population was simply gone. They'd left Dodge taking their families, friends and supporters, never to be seen & heard from again.

Just like any other Humanoid race, the Tele-Nietzscheans wanted to live out their lives in peace. Some even went so far as to have their bone blades removed ( like Monique ) so that they could more easily blend into Human society.

No one knows exactly where they are, except for members of their Pride, which they have named “Secreto”. Monique is living proof that they still exist and are thriving.

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Lieutenant Commander Seamus Harper

Married to: Lieutenant Commander Monique Ares Estrevez
Assignment: Chief Engineer of The USS INSURRECTION
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Style: Spiked
Height: 5'4”
Weight: 150.
Physical Condition and Build: Excellent, Small & Wirey
Skin Coloring: Caucasian
Resembles: Seamus Harper of “Andromeda”
Cravings: "Sparky Cola" and other junk food items

Interests: Seamus is a genius, gifted and extremely talented when it comes to all things electronic. Also loves to tinker with stuff.

Additional Information:

Seamus has been officially adopted as Tyr's little brother. Being the last child born to Victoria and Barbarossa Anasazi, Tyr never had a little brother to share things with and play with and mentor. Instead Tyr played and hung around with his cousin Gilgamesh who was five years older than he. However, all of this changed when Tyr entered Starfleet Academy.

Seamus Harper was one of Tyr's roommates in his quad. Seamus was a genius, but woefully inept when it came to working out, eating properly and self defense. Since Tyr had been chosen as “Squad Leader” and was responsible for seeing to it that all of his fellow quad mates “passed muster”, he took Harper under his wing.

Tyr not only taught Harper various methods of self defense, he put Harper on a strict diet and exercise program. It was a stormy relationship at first, but it blossomed to where Tyr adopted Seamus Harper as his little brother.

Seamus sometimes refers to Tyr as “Big Guy",or "Big Bro", and has a special gift of making Tyr relax and laugh.

Seamus is a “Junk Food Junkie”, a habit that Tyr broke him out of when he was in Starfleet Academy. When they were given separate assignments on different ships, Seamus fell off the wagon for a while until he met Monique, and she broke him out of it again by closely monitoring what he eats, preparing his meals, seeing to it he works out and gets proper rest. Yes, she does allow him a “treat” every so often.

Harper and his "Big Bro".

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Captain Khan NLN ( No Last Name )

Assignment: Rear Admiral Tyr Anasazi's Personal Assistant
and Advisor
Pride/Clan: Capricorn
Race: Katay
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color/Markings: Bengal Tiger Stripes and colors
Hair Style: N/A
Height: 6'4”
Weight: 225
Physical Condition and Build: Excellent, Muscular
Resembles: Earth Bengal Tiger

Interests: Khan loves people and is extremely loyal to his friends. He is especially loyal to his Pride Brother, Tyr Anasazi.

Additional Notes:

Khan is a Katay. A race of intelligent, up-right walking and talking felines, who resemble Earth's big cats. Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Pumas, and Cheetahs. They, like the Nietzscheans are divided into Prides. There are 12 major Prides, named after the 12 Zodiak signs, and there are many sub-clans. No matter what sub-clan a Katay is, they will always identify themselves with one of the 12 Prides.

The Katay, who were long time members of the Federation and Starfleet discovered, befriended and brought in the Nietzscheans. Very similar to how the Vulcans brought in the Humans. The two races have an unshakeable bond, and literally when you see one, the other is not far behind. The Katay are an extremely loyal people. “Unto death.” is their motto.

Approximately 10 percent of the Katay are “Gifted” with precognitive powers. Khan is a Precog and a very powerful one. His Pride Brother Tyr is still in the process of learning just how powerful this gift is. In some cases “he has yet to believe”.

WARNING!: Rear Admiral Tyr Anasazi is the ONLY person in the universe that Khan allows to call him “Cat”. Even though Khan is a “big feline”, it is considered a heinous insult to call a Katay a mere "cat". This insult can literally get you killed.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: When Khan speaks Katay, he sounds a lot like "Chubacka" from Star Wars.

Fleet Admiral HaxHistiara

Assignment: Fleet Admiral of the Third Fleet / Commander and Admiral of Deep Space Ten
Pride/Clan: Aquarius
Race: Katay
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Amber
Hair/Fur Color: Tawny fur with a black mane
Hair Style: Lions mane ( at times, because she is a female - braided & beaded )
Height: 6'
Weight: 200 lbs
Physical Condition: Excellent, Muscular
Resembles: A smaller version of an Earth Male Lion

Classical music, reading, theater and opera.

Additional Notes:
HaxHis was the woman who would've been Queen. Her father Homentut died and she being the eldest was next in line for the throne, to rule all Katay. But, instead, HaxHis laid aside her crown to enter Starfleet Academy.

Why did she do that? At the time, even though the Katay had been members of the Federation, there had yet to be a significant number of them joining Starfleet. HaxHis surmised if she joined many would follow her. The rest is history.

HaxHis also was Tyr's personal mentor. She was Captain and an instructor in the Academy and Tyr was one of her students. He came under her scrutiny because he was always in trouble. At the time, Tyr had no clue that it was her influence which kept Starfleet from kicking him to the curb. It was her promise to her superiors that she would take him under her wing and keep him in line.

It was a long and hard row to hoe, but HaxHis won out. She'd seen the potential in Tyr and refused to give up on him. He found out much later, she was behind it all, and is eternally indebted to her. To HaxHis, this has forged an unbreakable bond which continues to this day.

Commander Kori Brikkar-Anasazi

Married to: Commander Gilgamesh Anasazi
Assignment: Insurrection Chief Medical Officer
Race: Klingon
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180lbs
Skin Color: Caramel
Physical Condition and Build: Excellent, Muscular
Resembles: B'lanna Torres from “Voyager”

Despite her natural Klingon grumpiness and surliness, Kori is a people person. She loves plants which is evidenced by her office which is filled with them. She owns a Kensington-Smythe plant named Darwin, who speaks, and a Pickpocket Plant named VuVu, who steals . . . . . .

Kori loves working out, martial arts, cooking, trying new foods, and handcrafts.

Additional Notes:
Supposedly Klingons have no doctors, and the ones they did have, were woefully incompetent. Thus the axiom, “Never trust a Klingon Doctor.” However, when Kori joined Starfleet, she was determined to put an end to that rumor by becoming the best Klingon doctor there ever was, and she did. She is an EXCELLENT doctor!

Kori is a no nonsense doctor. As she sees it, bedside manner is a waste of time ( though she does use a lopsided version of it ). Yes, she does throw people out of Sickbay. According to Kori “Sickbay is for sick people! If you are not sick, get the heck out!” She's also not adverse to physically assisting you out if you don't get the verbal hint.

SPECIAL NOTE: It appears as if Rear Admiral Tyr Anasazi and Chief Medical Officer ( Commander ) Kori Brikkar detest one another. They actually respect and love each other very much. In fact, Tyr was considering taking Kori as his consort when his cousin Gilgamesh snapped her up first. Of course she enjoys rubbing Tyr's face in that. But, Tyr had learned to take the ribbing.

Their relationship is on par with the solidarity and friendship between Spock and McCoy.

Commander Gilgamesh Anasazi

Married to: Commander Kori Brikkar-Anazasi
Relative: 1st Cousin to Tyr Anasazi
Assignment: Insurrection XO
Race: Nietzschean
Gender: Male / Alpha
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Bald
Height: 6'6
Weight: 280lbs
Skin Color: Dark Brown
Physical Condition and Build: Excellent, Very Muscular
Resembles: Tyr Anazasi from "Andromeda" except he is bald.


Working out ( aerobics, weight training, yoga ). Gilgamesh is skilled in all manner of martial arts including the use of his deadly boneblades. He is an excellent tactician and is also a scholar and poet, and spends his free time writing sonnets and sketching.

Since Tyr was a late baby to Victoria and Barbarossa, he didn't have anyone to play with his age except Gilgamesh. Though there was a five year difference in age the two meshed and stuck to one another like glue. Gilgamesh joined Starfleet Academy at the same time Tyr did, but he took the Advanced Command Track. However, it is ironic that he wound up serving under his younger brother when he graduated instead of the other way around.

"The Divine knows best." Khan would say.

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Solon (FNTLTOPOS - Family Name Too Long To Pronounce Or Spell )

Relatives: Solon is Tamara's disowned uncle. His is the surviving twin of her natural father Soval
Married To: Two Nietzschean ladies yet to be named.
Assignment: None.
Occupation: Vulcan Healer and "A Humble Dealer of Kivas & Trillium"
Race: Vulcan
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Style: Normal
Age: 91 years old
Height: 6'1
Weight: 180lbs
Skin Color: Light/Vulcan Norm
Physical Condition and Build: Slim, Excellent.
Resembles: Unknown

Additional Information:

According to Tamara's Vulcan family history, Solon was Soval ( her natruarl father's ) identical twin. Of the two Soval was the more “personable and outgoing” one, while Solon was the aloof and withdrawn introvert. Rumor had it that he had taken his brother's assassination very hard. So much so, that his personality changed, and his wife left him. In essence, Solon had become a “hard” man to deal with. Even for Vulcans. . . . .

By occupation Solon is a trained Vulcan Healer, but he is also a merchant of spices. Due to his travels he met other Vulcans who were opposed to the Nietzscheans admition into Starfleet and the Federation. So much so that Solon founded his own grass roots group Vulcans Against Nietzscheans.

The group was well on it's way to achieve one of their goals ( causing mutiny on board a Starfleet vessel ), however, they didn't count on three things. The Captain of said ship. None other than the wily Tyr Anasazi. His own niece, Tamara, and an equally devious FADM HaxHis.

Upon finding out and imprisoning Solon's group, Tyr sought HaxHis help. Her solution was to personally take charge of the prisoners. Instead of sending them to a Starfleet penal colony, she sent them off on the 24th Centuries version of The Slow Boat to China. Of they went in a Starfleet vessel crewed entirely with Nietzscheans! She figured they would either fight to the death and kill each other all off, or learn to live with and respect one another. After all, Solon's premise for bringing his team onto The Insurrection in the first place was to STUDY NIETZSCHEANS, sooooooo.

Six months later, both groups returned from the ordeal unscathed. And Solon with two Nietzschean wives. 'Nuff said.

The above named individual was first declared missing but is now officially classified as deceased. No further information is known about his departure from this mortal coil.

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Lieutenant Commander / Councilor Fatou
( Pronounced: Fat-Tau )

Mated to: Commander / Councilor Khan
Assignment: Insurrection Counselor #2
Race: Katay
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Hazel
Fur Color: Fatou is an odd colored ALBINO colored Tigeress
Please refer to photo below.
Height: 6'00
Weight: 220lbs

Physical Condition: Excellent.

Fatou is a Katay Pre-Cog like her husband. Though her talent is on the same level as Khan's, she doesn't use it the same way he does. However, she is no less insightful.

Fatou's counciling specialty is early childhood, tweens, teens, young adults and crisis intervention.

Like her husband, Fatou is a people person and adore people, especially little children.

This is it for now.  I will add more when possible.

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