Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good Mroning Blues - Chapter #72

Free Enterprise  -  Good Morning Blues  -  Chapter  #72

Four hours, a wicked work out, a sonic shower and a leisurely breakfast with his wives later, Tyr headed for his Ready Room with a mug of Rakitgino in hand. As he debarked the bridge lift, Tyr glanced towards the central seat and did a double take.

“Good Morning, Admiral!” Captain Hunt said, as he stood.

“As you were, Captain.” Tyr intoned.

“If Dylan is here, so is Trance, Bekka, and Rommie.” he thought in shock. It was touching that all of his friends had decided to show their support by coming with him.

He turned and barring his way to his Ready Room was none other than Kori. The Dragon had come up from her lair. The two stared at each other for a minute. The typical, terse Klingon greeting. Tyr was starting to get used to it.

“Forgive me, Sir for being so sudden and abrupt. But, did you know that Xena is close to term?” she whispered.

“How soon?” Tyr asked.

“Four to five days.” Kori replied. Tyr's heart lightened and soared. Now he knew why Khan had insisted he use The Insurrection instead of the new vessel. The Insurrection had a large and well stocked Sickbay, whereas the much smaller ship's sickbay was more like a closet.

“Don't worry, Tyr. Everything is all ready and waiting for her.” Kori said, and smiled.

“Thank You, Kori.” Tyr said, as he headed for his Ready Room.

Entering, the first thing Tyr noticed was HaxHis sitting behind his desk. Solon and Khan sitting in the chairs situated in front of the desk.

“Good Morning, Admiral Anasazi.” HaxHis said.

“Good Morning, Ma'am.” Tyr replied, and nodded a greeting at the two men present.

“Before we get started I want you to know that Mr. Solon is on your ship, and here at my behest.” HaxHis explained.

“Damn! That means I cannot shoot him because he is a stowaway.” Tyr thought as he sat on the sofa and took a deep drought of Raktigino.

“He has information on why the Vulcans had a so-called Observatory in the area of the Mootaru Nebula.” HaxHis continued.

“Do tell.” Tyr said.

“There is an obscure Vulcan sect which hails from Vulcan's pre-Surak days named Rhimaha. Instead of seeking peace through logic like the majority of Vulcans, the Rhimaha are like the Old Earth survivalists. They believe in stockpiling food, medicines and weaponry and preparing for the Ultimate Battle.” Solon intoned.

“So they were expecting the Apocalypse?” Tyr asked.

“No, they were not merely expecting the Apocalypse, they are planning to initiate it.” Solon replied.

“How?” Tyr asked. He had finished his Raktigino and put his mug aside.

“Herein lies the mystery of the Mootaru Nebula. Their observations of the Nebula originally started out quite innocently. It was just another odd galactic phenomena to them and worthy of study. Until they discovered an strange chemical compound which inhabited the Nebula exclusively. After more extensive studies they also discovered that if this unstable compound could be harnessed and weaponized. . .” Solon started.

“They could start their own Armageddon.” Khan said.

“And what would be the profit in that?” Tyr asked. “Many would die and the untold suffering would last for perhaps eons.” he continued.

“They may be Vulcans, however, that does not mean they are logical.” Solon replied.

“What is the name of this chemical?” Tyr asked.

“It does not have a name as of yet. Just a alpha numerical designation. NJ76845.” Solon replied.

“So, the Nebula actually imploded due to the combination of this chemical's presence and the Nova Bombs.” HaxHis stated.

“That is correct. What actually occurred was the equivalent of one striking a match in a gasoline fume filled room.” Solon replied.

“So it is a good thing the nebula was destroyed.” Tyr stated. Glad the heat was officially off him. It was before, but it was good to hear it anyway.

“Yes, it is good that the Mootaru Nebula no longer exists to provide the raw martial for a mega destructive devise. However, there is the stations memory core. The Rhimaha were able to extensively analyze the compound . . . . . .” Solon started.

“Which provided them with the correct chemical combination in order to artificially manufacture a devise.” Tyr stated.

“The so-called researchers were immediately incarcerated and I turned the whole kit and caboodle over to Section 31.” HaxHis said. Everyone in Starfleet knew once things were turned over to Section 31, whatever it was would NEVER see the light of day, again.

“Forgive me for saying this Ma'am, but, do not take comfort in the fact that Section 31 is now in possession of this information or the so-called researchers. Vulcans are habitual duplicators. . . . .” Solon started.

“You mean someone else has copies of . . . . .?” Tyr asked.

“Correct.” Solon stated simply.

“I'm almost afraid to ask whom.” HaxHis said.

“The Romulans.” was Solon's reply. Tyr totally forgot who he was in the company of, and swore.

“Took the words right out of my mouth.” HaxHis said, as she shook her maned head.

NOTE TO READERS: Of course you know there is no such thing as the "Rhimaha" sect. Yep, Shaharazod is making up stuff again! It helps to add color to the story, don't ya think?

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