Free Enterprise - Storm Warning - Chapter 25
Ten minutes later Dr. Kori, The Chief Medical Officer of the USS Insurrection, was sitting in The Captain's Ready Room and relating the past events to Captain Tyr and Khan. Tyr had just finished his breakfast and was sipping Rakktigino from one of the Insurrection's large, emblazoned, insulated mugs.
Pon Farr was not a condition to be taken lightly, especially when one of the sufferers happened to be second in command of the ship. Both men listened intently and silently as Kori described Tamarra's condition.
“What will remedy this condition?” Tyr asked.
Tamarra was the only Vulcan serving on his ship. Therefore other than the crude jokes and rumors he'd heard during his Academy days, and during his service, he was utterly clueless about Vulcans and their secret rituals.
“Oh my! This is not going to be pretty.” Khan thought, as his precog senses warned him to stay out of the conversation, for now.
“Let's see, how can I put this delicately? She will need someone to accommodate her for the duration.” Kori replied frankly.
In order to avoid choking, Tyr did a milk spit, only with hot Rakktigino. Khan was up in an instant with a cleaning cloth to wipe it up and handed a napkin to his commander.
“Accommodate?” Tyr asked, incredulously, as Khan chuffed.
“That's the price Vulcans pay for keeping their emotions tightly under wraps for so long.” Kori replied. “To quote an ancient Human saying 'It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature ' cuz the payback is a . . . . . well, you know . . . .” she continued.
“It is purely genetic because Tamarra is a Vulcan but was not raised as a Vulcan.” Khan intoned.
“What happens if she does not . . . ?” Tyr asked.
“She will die, Captain. The pressure on the mind and body is too great. Vulcans have been known to suffer heart attacks, strokes, embolisms, seizures, etc. All because they do not . . . . There is also a certain percentage of murders and suicides . . . . . .” Khan interjected.
Kori was privately glad Khan had said those words and not her. She was tired of being the bearer of bad news all of the time. Tyr's face looked as if it was set in stone, but Kori knew better. He was concerned for his lady-love.
“How long does she have?” Tyr asked.
“I told her about two weeks, but I think it will be much sooner.” Kori said. “When it gets really bad, Vulcans have a tendency to shut themselves away. So, when she refuses her duty shifts and barricades herself in her quarters, you'll know it's time.” she continued.
Tyr looked at his CMO with an extra grave expression as if to ask: “Will it get THAT bad?”
“Yes, it will.” Kori replied, with equal gravity.
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