Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stress Test - Chapter 28

NOTE TO READERS: I must apologize for such a short chapter. This is a set up chapter for more to come.

~~Thank You~~ ::curtsies and walks away::

Free Enterprise  -  Stress Test - Chapter 28

A habitual early bird Tyr was up at an un-Godly hour, checked Tamarra as she slept, soundly and silently crept out. He went to the gym, worked out, and cleaned himself up. He then went up to the bridge to check on things briefly, then went down to hydroponics to stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables for the days meals for TWO.

On his way back he met another habitual early riser, Kori.

“What are you doing out?” she demanded. “You're supposed to be with Tamarra. She needs you to make sure that she eats properly, stays hydrated, and gets enough sleep. Vulcans tend to forget those things during the Plak Tow!” Kori chided.

“Plak Tow?” Tyr asked.

“Yes, translated from Vulcan it means blood fever. Vulcans become so preoccupied with . . . . . . that they become insomniacs and fast for weeks until they return to normal. And you must take care of yourself too. Don't think that just because you have superior Nietzschean strength it cannot be stretched past it's limits by your Matriarch.“ Kori continued, as she noted that Tyr proudly wore the Double Helix arm band on his right bicep.

“Why is this information NOT available in the computer data banks? Not in the Insurrection's, not in Starfleet's, not even on Vulcan?” Tyr asked. The computer savvy Nietzschean made repeated assaults on all three sources to no avail.

“Call it one the universe's most carefully guarded secrets, Captain. After all of these years, Vulcans still refuse to admit that every seven years their carefully constructed veneer of logic is stripped away, and they become just like their barbaric cousins, the Romulans. Who are actually the same race but. . . . . we won't go into that.” Kori replied.

“What profit is there in keeping such a serious condition secret?” Tyr asked.

“I don't know. There is no telling how many have died or suffered irreparable damage due to ignorance of the true facts. All for the sake of so-called Vulcan pride. Thank Khaless Tamarra has you to care for her. But, I stress again, you must take care of yourself too. It seems the lot of the care-giver is to always neglect himself or herself for the sake of the care-receiver. If you wear yourself out, Tyr, both you and Tamarra wind up in Sickbay.” Kori replied.

She didn't have to add that the last thing she wanted in her Sickbay was the Captain AND the Commander. But, she also hated when people ignored her warnings and wound up flat on their backs on one of her bio-beds as a result.

“I will make note of it, Doctor.” Tyr replied, as he turned and walked away.

“Don't forget to call Sickbay with twice daily updates. If I don't hear from you, I will be pounding on your door. I can relieve you of duty if need be, Captain.” Kori called, after Tyr's retreating back.

 "Whoever coined the regulation which dictates a Starship's Chief Medical Officer can overrule the Captain, and relieve him or her of duty, needs to be taken out and shot. With what, I don't yet know." Tyr thought, as he sighed.

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