A HEADS UP TO READERS: I could not find any other names of Vulcan foods except the much overused "Plomeek Soup", sooooo, I MADE ONE UP. So when you see it, don't ask "What the?", please remember I warned you. . . . . . . :+}!
Crossbow - I Agree To Disagree - Chapter 23
About an hour before their dinner date and Tamarra was having another good cry. She knew this wasn't like her, but she couldn't help it. She bawled her eyes out anyway. Then, once she'd calmed down, she checked her eyes in the bathroom mirror and cursed herself for being a fool, as a pair of green, bloodshot eyes stared back at her.
“You are a fool Tamarra!” she thought, as she got out her special eye drops which helped to clear up bloodshot eyes.
Tamarra then went through the motions of getting ready for dinner. It was funny how she was so thrilled to have dinner with Tyr a mere 18 hours ago, now she didn't want to be anywhere near the man. It was a good thing the two of them had served on differing tours so they did not have extensive contact with one another.
With his hyper-sensitive Nietzschean senses, Tyr was a walking, talking forensics lab and would surely know something was wrong with her.
“He probably already knows.” Tamarra thought, as she got dressed.
It was no wonder some races still kept their distance from the Nietzscheans. With their genetically enhanced senses, they were like cats, extremely sensitive and prickly to be around at times. That was also the reason some folks hated felines. So, it was no coincidence that the Katay and the Nietzscheans formed such a powerful alliance. They were just too much alike not to.
“Well, here goes nothin'.” Tamarra thought, as she took a final look at herself in the full length mirror, then glanced at her eyes. The drops had done the trick, but her eyes were a tad puffy.
“Well, that can't be helped.” she thought, as she headed for the door.
* * * * * * * *
Unlike the first time, Tamarra was not late to her dinner date. In fact, she was early. But, Tyr, being Tyr he was even earlier. As soon as the door to the Captain's Mess opened, she smelled food. Her stomach immediately roiled and rebelled.
“Oh God! Please don't let me be sick here of all places!” she thought, as they greeted each other and sat. Unlike the last time Gynn was serving, a large fresh salad and two Vulcan dishes had been prepared.
As soon as the food was served, Tyr dismissed Gynn and started eating. Tamarra smiled to herself. The Nietzschean had an appetite like a ravenous wolf. While she picked at her food. If Tyr noticed she was picking he mentioned nothing, as he regaled her with stories.
“So how did the Nietzscheans and the Katay meet?” she asked.
“Nietzschean historical accounts say that a party of Nietzschean explorers had landed on what was then an uninhabited planet and were exploring it for possible colonization. Unbeknownst to them an exploratory party of Katay was also on the planet.” Tyr began.
“I can almost tell where this is going.” Tamarra said.
“The Nietzschean exploratory party was being led by Demetrius Bactria out of Tomyris by Lysander of the Drago-Katzov Pride. Demetrius had to answer a call of nature. . . . . .”
“He had to wee?” Tamarra interrupted, and smiled at the quip. Tyr inwardly winced at her choice of words.
“. . . . . . And was looking for an appropriate spot to do so not knowing that Mohan of the Akoron Pride was doing the same thing.” Tyr finished.
“They didn't hear or smell each other?” Tamarra asked.
“According to the historical accounts, the planet's unique atmosphere blunted their senses, the way some planets resist sensor or tricorder readings.” Tyr explained.
“So what happened next?” Tamarra asked.
“They both decided to use the same fauna, surprised and scared the hell out of each other. After the initial shock died down, both Demetrius and Mohan broke bread and had the first historical meeting. Based on that meeting, our people entered into an alliance with the Katay, and here we are.” Tyr replied and smiled.
This was obviously the “shortened version” of the “encounter”. Tamarra would have to consult The Insurrection's computer data banks if she wanted more details.
“What happened to the planet?” Tamarra asked.
“Hopscotch?” Tyr asked.
“Hopscotch? Why'd they name it that?” Tamarra asked as she smiled and chuckled.
“The Katay and Nietzscheans never colonized it. We both refuse to live on a planet which blunts our senses, so several Human colonies are inhabiting it now. If we do visit, it is only for a very short stop or hop. Thus the name.” Tyr replied.
“Who actually named the planet?” Tamarra asked. For, at that particular time in history, the Nietzscheans did not know enough of Human history-culture to come up with such a moniker.
“Would you believe an eight year old Human child named Allison Glynn named it?” Tyr replied with a chuckle.
“And a child shall lead them.” Tamarra said.
“Tamarra, are you feeling unwell?” Tyr asked, swiftly changing the subject.
“Oh d**n! Caught like a fly in a spider's web!” Tamarra thought, in a panic.
“No. Why do you ask?” Tamarra replied.
“You have not touched your food.” Tyr replied. Feeling like a very rebellious child, Tamarra reached out and lay her hands upon the salad.
“There, I've touched my food.” she declared, as she smiled. Tyr's face remained as serious as one of the Vulcan Masters of Gol.
“Eaten, Tamarra.” Tyr stated, gravely.
“Oh-oh! There's no getting around him!” she thought.
“I have no appetite.” she confessed. Tyr was sitting directly across from her and watching her intently with his head slightly tilted to the left, observing her like an Old Earth scientist examining a specimen under a microscope. Tamarra fought the urge to squirm.
“Perhaps you should see Doctor Kori.” he said, softly. That was the last thing Tamarra wanted to do.
“I'd rather NOT!” she thought, fiercely to herself. For Tamarra was well aware WHAT the Klingon Chief Medical Officer of The Insurrection would find when she examined her.
“I don't need to see Dr. Kori. I'm fine. I just lost my appetite, that's all.” she replied.
“A loss of appetite is often a symptom of a more serious illness.” Tyr said.
"So, we're Doctor Tyr Anasazi now?" she thought. A thought Tammara would never voice, and was mortified her mind even "went there".
“No. No. I'm fine. . .” Tamarra insisted, aloud, as she took up her fork and began to eat the now cold food. Tyr frowned his distaste, stood and took the dish way from her.
“Eating cold Tofwa will definitely make you ill.” he said as he took the dish to the warmer and cycled it through. He then returned to the table with the now warmed food, and watched with a gimlet eye as Tamarra mechanically ate. Not enjoying or tasting a thing.
“Commander McPhearson, as of this moment I am relieving you of duty, and ordering you to see Doctor Kori. You will remain off duty until I receive a positive report from her. Believe it or not, I am concerned about your health.” Tyr said, after a long moment of silence.
Tamarra hung her head like a chastened child and would've cried like one had she not been sitting before her Commanding Officer.
“I will comply, Sir.” she replied, as she picked her head up and gazed back at her Captain.
“Forgive me for putting a damper on your evening. That was not my original intention.” Tyr whispered. Tamarra marveled that in one breath Tyr was able to deliver a hammer-blow order, and in another whisper an apology as gently as a lover.
“Perhaps that's just the Nietzschean way.” she thought, and sighed .
“That's alright, Sir. I will report to Sickbay first thing in the morning. Thank you so much for the dinner. Good Night, Sir.” Tamarra said, as she stood. Then quietly took her leave.
"Good Night, Commander." Tyr said.
Tyr sat rooted to his chair and stared at the closed doors, long after she was gone.
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