Free Enterprise - Ideas Percolating - Chapter #73
The meeting went on for another five hours. They took a break, food was sent for and after they had eaten, they went back to arguing and haggling.
After one and a half hour, HaxHis threw up her hand paws in frustration and called the meeting to an end.
“Gentlemen, let's get some rest and we will meet again tomorrow.” she said.
Everyone considered themselves dismissed and slipped out one by one. Tyr went out into the command module to make sure all was well, and found Tamara in the central seat.
“You look like you can use some rest.” she thought.
“There is someone I need to see first, before I do.” he replied.
“Don't stay out too long. Remember you have an appointment with Xena and the little ones.” she thought back at him.
It was a little known fact that Tyr was spending time with Xena either reading or singing to her and his unborn sons. Sabra had suggested this technique saying this would teach his sons to recognize their father's voice before they were born.
Tyr didn't think he had such a hot singing voice, but as long as it would help. . . . . . .
“i will not forget.” Tyr thought.
“I'll be in Engineering.” Tyr announced verbally, as he got on the lift.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tyr entered The Insurrection's Engineering section and found everyone busy and at work. Under the previous leadership, officers would scatter like frightened chickens when he showed up.
“So asking for Harper was a good thing.” Tyr thought, as he headed towards the “Little Professor's” inner sanctum. On the way in he encountered Monique.
“Greetings, Sir!” she thought. “Ops! I'm sorry I wasn't supposed to do that!” she continued as her eyes widened and put her hands over her mouth.
“That's alright Commander. I understand. How are the classes going?” Tyr asked. Ensign T'Prill had agreed to give Monique one on one sessions on how to control her telepathy.
“They are going.” Monique replied, verbally. She personally found them boring and tedious. Then perhaps it was just her. . . . . . .
“Perhaps you need to speak to my wife about that.” Tyr suggested.
“Oh, Sir! I wouldn't want to bother. . . . .” Monique replied.
“It is no bother if she wishes to do it.” Tyr stated. “Now, where is Seamus?” he continued.
“He is in there.” Monique replied and pointed. “He's working on the project of the week and listening to his music.” she continued, as she smiled and whirled away.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tyr stepped into the cluttered room and immediately his sensitive ears were assaulted. Harper was listening to music as he tinkered, on high definition ear buds which were clearly too loud.
“ . . . . .Don't push me 'cuz I'm close to da edge. I'm tryin' not ta lose my head. . . . . .” Harper sang.
“ . . . . . . I don't know how I keep from goin' unda. I don't know how I keep from goin' unda . . . . .” Tyr's mind responded.
The Nietzschean immediately shook his head to rid his mind of the lyrical avalanche that was sure to follow. He hated Old Earth Rap music with a passion!
“Why is it things you detest the most stay in the mind the longest?” he wondered, as he gently laid his hand on Harper's shoulder. Despite the gentleness of the Nietzschean's touch, Harper still started badly and dropped the equipment he was working on.
Seeing who scared the bejohns out of him, Harper turned off and removed the ear buds. He then gave Tyr a big hug.
“Seamus. You must stop listening to music so loud, it will destroy your hearing.” Tyr warned.
“I know. Monique pesters me about that all the time.” Harper sighed.
“And you don't heed her because?” Tyr prompted.
“Because she also hates my choice of music. If I play it over the speakers, she goes nutter.” Harper replied.
“Your problem is simple, Seamus. You need to acquire new tastes in music.” Tyr said.
“Like that dirge stuff you listen to? Not a chance, Tyr.” Harper replied as, he rummaged through his piles of discarded equipment.
Tyr wondered how the man found anything in that disarray. Lo and behold, the Little Engineer came up with a cello wrapped hero, unwrapped it and began to chow down.
“I have to keep things in here just in case I forget to eat.” Harper lied with his mouth full.
Tyr gazed balefully at the sandwich which probably contained enough sodium to rival The Dead Sea. If Monique had seen it, the sub would've went straight into the nearest recycler. And, she would've given him a nice, healthy salad.
Tyr was about to go into one of his Nietzschean health consciousness diatribes, but decided that could wait.
“Seamus. I have an assignment for you.” Tyr said instead. He then went on to explain the problem.
“It seems to me that all we need to do is to screw up the chemical codes and then the formula won't work.” Harper said. “Do we have a copy of that formula?” he continued.
“I can get one.” Tyr replied.
NOTE TO READERS The song Harper/Tyr were singing was written and sung by "Grand Master Flash" and named “The Message”. It was featured in the movie “Happy Feet
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