Free Enterprise - Introductions - Chapter #77
The next few days breezed by. Xena received such a stream of visitors in Sickbay that Kori sent her back to her quarters. It seemed like everyone wanted to see and hold the “littlest members of the Kodiak Pride”.
This included HaxHis. When she arrived, Tyr gently took Alexander from his mother's arms, cradled him and brought him forward to meet his superior.
“Fleet Admiral HaxHistiara of the Aquarius Pride, I, Tyr Anasazi of the Kodiak Pride, out of Victory, by Barbarossa, present my first born son Alexander, out of Xena by Tyr.” Tyr said solemnly, as he handed the crying child over to her.
Everyone present oohed and aahed as Alexander stopped crying long enough to get a good gander at who was holding him. He blinked his little eyes and stared up at the huge ( to him ) feline face with awe.
“Hail and well met Alexander Anasazi of the Kodiak Pride, out of Xena, by Tyr. Why are you crying? Hummmm?” HaxHis purred, as she pulled her whiskers back. Not only as a sign of mirth, but as a precaution, so that tiny hands could not pull her sensitive vibrissae.
Alexander wasn't impressed. He screwed up his tiny face and began wailing like an old Earth Air Raid Siren.
“Whaaaaaaaaa!” said Alexander.
“Whaaaaaaa.” said HaxHis, mocking the child.
“Whaaaaaaa.” said Alexander.
“Whaaaaaaa.” Said HaxHis in return. Alexander stopped and frowned up at HaxHis.
“Well, what else have you got in your repertoire. I can do that too, as you can see.” HaxHis said as she pulled back her whiskers with mirth. For once Alexander was quiet.
“It confuses the heck out of the little dears. They think they are the only ones in the universe with a big mouth. When they find out, they are not, they are stunned.” HaxHis explained.
“I couldn't have said it better.” Amanda said.
“I'll have to remember that.” Tyr thought, as HaxHis handed Alexander back to him. He did the baby switch with Xena and presented Lysander.
“I, Tyr Anasazi of the Kodiak Pride, out of Victoria, by Barbarossa present my second born son, Lysander Anasazi, out of Xena, by Tyr.” Tyr said as he handed the little tyke to HaxHis.
“Oh my. Identical twins! This IS a surprise!” she said, as she smiled down at Lysander and he rewarded her with a toothless grin. “This one's the happy baby.” she continued.
“Yes, you can do practically anything to Lysander and he doesn't cry. Alexander, his middle name is cry.” Xena quipped. Everyone had a good laugh over it.
“Notice Alexander only does that in order to get attention. When he does, he stops crying. You've got to nip that while he's young, or he will be prone to have nasty tantrums.” Sabra advised. Trust Sabra to bring everyone back to Earth.
“Not with me around.” Tyr thought.
“Nah! Not on my watch!” Amanda thought.
“What are you planning to do to our child?” Xena asked.
Perceiving Tyr's slight change in expression,
“Nothing that would hurt him. I recall testing Barbarossa in the same manner and my impromptu uprising didn't last long.” Tyr replied.
“What happened?” Tamara asked.
“Oui Vay! She had to go there!” Amanda thought.
“I came away with sore hinder parts.” Tyr replied.
“Ouch!” Harper said. He had forgotten that Nietzscheans were pro corporal punishment. “What happened after that?” he continued.
“From then on, if I did anything wrong in Barbarossa's presence, even as far away as across the room, he would favor me with one of those looks. . . . .” Tyr said.
“Aye, I know those looks. One 'o those “I'll knock you inta next Tuesday looks”. Amanda chimed in.
“Me too.” Tamara said.
“With me, it was a certain way my mother called. If you didn't instantaneously answer or come, you ran right into one of her paws when you did.” Khan said.
“So, what happened?” Tamara queried.
“Henceforth, Barbarossa had no more problems with me misbehaving.” Tyr replied.
“I should say not.” HaxHis said, as both she and Tyr gazed at each other. He smiled and she winked. Both knowing she too had to give him a couple of cuffs.
“Boy? You hear that? You'd better listen to your Papa.” Amanda crooned to the sleeping Alexander, as everyone laughed.
NOTE TO READERS I know this is a FLUFF piece, but every now and again you need one. Especially when dealing with cute little babies.
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