Free Enterprise - Tiny Cracks - Chapter #74
“It is a good thing I don't require as much sleep as my cousins.” Tyr thought early the next morning. Despite the long night and burning the midnight oil, he was up early.
He'd done his aerobics, then a wicked weight workout in tandem with Gilgamesh who “spotted” him. After a sonic shower and breakfast with his wives, Tyr was officially on the move. He stepped off the lift, with his favorite Raktigino filled mug in hand, and saw none other than Rommie sitting in his command seat.
Obviously, his friends were taking turns making sure the small details got taken care of, while he dealt with the “major” stuff.
“Good Morning, Sir.” she called out. Everyone seated and working on the bridge, straightened up in response. There could be only one “Sir” on The Insurrection!
“Good Morning, Captain. Good Morning and stand down everyone. This is not an inspection.” Tyr replied. Everyone immediately relaxed and went back to work.
Tyr proceeded into his Ready Room and found HaxHis, and Khan already.
“Good Morning, Ma'am. Good Morning, Khan.” Tyr said as he frowned. They were missing someone.
“Where is Solon?” Tyr asked.
“I thought it best that he not be present for this particular session, Tyr.” HaxHis replied. “He does not yet possess enough clearance to hear the information which will be revealed in this meeting.” she explained.
What Tyr really wanted to ask: Who is Solon and what's he really doing aboard my ship? But, he discerned the mood in the room and quickly decided to file that query for another time. To the suspicious Nietzschean, Solon seemed like some kind of agent provocateur.
“If he is indeed a traitor, I will personally end his miserable existence.” Tyr thought fiercely. Unfortunately, according to the Deep Space Ten's Moccasin Telegraph, the creature had taken not one, but two Nietzschean wives.
According to Nietzschean tradition if he killed Solon, his wives would most certainly rise up to avenge his death. Tyr would have to extremely careful to cover his tracks, because there were just too many political ramifications when one Nietzschean killed another. Whether they were blood born Nietzscheans or adopted Nietzscheans like his little brother Seamus, or Solon ( obviously was ). They all had the right to extract revenge. And not only would Solon's wives seek to slay Tyr, but his wives and children, and only The Divine knew who else.
In the Old Time, nearly entire prides were wiped out because of blood feuds. Tyr did not want to re-visit those days upon his people, his pride, nor his fledgling clan.
“I have someone who is willing to help.” Tyr said, out of the clear blue. Hastily putting his plans for committing homicide on a back burner of his mind.
“And pray tell, who might this be?” HaxHis asked.
“My Engineer, Seamus Harper.” Tyr said, and went on to explain the plan they had hatched together earlier this morning.
“Do we have a copy of the formula?” Tyr asked, finally. HaxHis pulled her whiskers back with mirth and began to chuff.
“Oh-oh. What is she up to?” Tyr wondered.
“Of course I have it. I took the liberty of bringing the original discs with me. We are going to be off station for perhaps four to eight weeks and I didn't trust leaving it behind.” she replied, shocking both men.
“But Section 31. . . . .” Khan started.
“Isn't that in violation. . . . . . . .?” Tyr asked.
“Like all governmental entities, the wheels grind very slowly. They will probably arrive all in a lather three weeks after we get back.” HaxHis replied, as she swatted the air with her left hand paw. “So by the time Section 31 does get their rear in gear and their mitts on the discs, they won't have a clue it's been fiddled with.” she continued, as she pulled back her whiskers with mirth.
“And we are certainly NOT going to tell them it's been fiddled with, are we?” HaxHis asked.
“No, Ma'am!” both men replied.
“Excellent!” she said, as she beamed.
“Now, all we have to do is get our hands on the Romulan's copy.” Tyr said.
“Now, I have an idea for that . . . . . .” HaxHis started, as she beckoned the two men present to lean forward, so she can whisper to them conspiratorially.
NOTE TO READERS According to Ancestor's Breath, ancient Nietzscehans constantly feuded among themselves, and were always seeking revenge. Like all intelligent races they nearly came to the brink of wiping THEMSELVES out, which would've utterly defeated the purpose of having a super race in the first place. What would be the need if they all killed themselves off due to minor tiffs and spats? So voices of reason arose and the "kill or be killed" axiom was removed as a standard method of dealing with slights and disagreements. However, in certain cases, it still raises it's ugly head. . . . . . . .
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