Monday, August 8, 2011

Frustration & Aggravation - Chapter 41

Free Enterprise   -   Frustration & Aggravation - Chapter 41

The meeting was being held in a very huge room. It could best be described as “Meeting In The Round”. There was a large black table with retractable computer screens and thirty chairs around it for the Head Honchos, Big Wigs and Muckity Mucks to sit at. Then on graduated steps a few feet away there were theater like seats which surrounded the table, for staff, aides and other interested parties to sit and watch the proceeds. There was also a giant viewer on the bulkhead just in case visuals were needed to stress a particular point. Admiral Hemingway was to sit at the head of the table with Captain Tyr and Counselor/Yeoman Khan sitting in seats next to her on her right side.

The Vulcan delegation arrived precisely when they had said they would as they were sticklers for being timely. However, the Tellarites arrived a half an hour late.

It was bad enough that Admiral Hemingway had to stand around and make mindless small talk while waiting until the delegation finally decided to drag their butts in. What really ticked her off was the fact that the Tellarites had all came hungry and expected to be served a full course meal first BEFORE the meeting. Since that was NOT the program ( the reception dinner was tomorrow night ), all 145 of them were all put out! And, there was no reasoning with them because they were too hungry to think straight.

“That's why my Mom would always ask, 'Who says your host will have a meal to set before you?” Amanda thought to herself. Born of the fact that the first Promethians were poorer than dirt, it was tradition for the guest to bring food to share with the host.

“What else do you expect? They are pigs. Pigs only think of their stomachs, nothing else.” Tyr whispered to Khan in Spanish. Khan huffed in agreement, Admiral Hemingway artfully hid a smile with her right hand. The Vulcans who understood Spanish and were within earshot silently agreed.

Five hours later, they were at an impasse. The Admiral had a migraine, Khan was ready to kill, Tyr was ready to smash and destroy something, anything. And despite their logical ways, the Vulcans looked ready to go on the warpath.

Wisely, Admiral Hemingway called an adjournment until 1000 hours tomorrow. That way everyone could retire to their ships or VIP quarters, to rest, eat and whatever and start afresh in the morning.

Also, Fleet Admiral Haxhis was due to arrive overnight with a large delegation of Nietzscheans and Katay. So there was going to be even more diplomatic fun and frivolity tomorrow.

“I DETEST diplomatic functions! I am not a diplomat and I cannot understand why Admiral Hemingway wants me to be present. Just let me go back to my ship and be on my way.” Tyr groused to Khan.

“Oh. You think it's that simple, eh?” Khan replied.

“What?” Tyr asked. He'd learned whenever Khan brought him up short like that, the Katay was about to lay something heavy on him.

“Tyr. The Katay Revelational Guide says that the Divine has made all things for His purpose. That means he made you for His purpose.” Khan said sagely. Tyr turned and looked at his friend with a questioning expression.

“Do you think The Divine created you to be just a starship Captain for the rest of your life?” Khan continued. “Not that there is anything wrong with being a starship Captain, Tyr.”

“What are you saying Khan?” Tyr asked. His words coming out in a threatening rumble. Of course, Khan wasn't intimidated in the least.

“You keep saying that you are no diplomat. And indeed Nietzscheans are not known for being very diplomatic people. But, they are very energetic and intelligent, thus are capable of learning. . . . . .” Khan started.

“Meaning?” Tyr growled.

“This may be a training ground to prepare you for something much greater.” Khan replied.

“I you forget I have wives, Cat. I cannot go traipsing about the universe with them plus my children.” Tyr said.

“Who said they wouldn't help you, Tyr? Tamara is a people person, the smooth talker and the diplomat. Xena is your Intelligence/Security/Weapons Specialist and Warrior-ess. And Amanda is the retired Admiral.” Khan explained.

“Retired?” Tyr asked, aghast.

“She's retiring in about ten days. This whole confab was her idea to help promote Deep Space Ten as an excellent place of commerce and real estate. She would like to have something up and running before she leaves.” Khan explained.

“Retire? She does not look a day over. . . .” Tyr started.

“Ah, Tyr, Tyr, Tyr. How many times do I have to tell you that looks are very deceiving? As a Promethian Admiral Hemingway is blessed with longevity. Like Vulcans, they can live up to age 300 or more. And they are known to raise several families in their lifetimes.” Khan replied.

“So that's what she meant when she told me that she had three husbands. “ Tyr replied as the realization dawned on him.

“Two were Human. Both divorced her. Her dedication to career did those in. The third, Captain William Austin Maynard of the U.S.S. Exeter, died in the battle on KolinZhan.” Khan stated.

Tyr nodded recalling the nasty war that went on between the Klingons, Cardassians and Romulans after the Founders and the JemHadar had been put down. Starfleet had called it a 'scrimmage' but everyone knew it was a was a war. Too many innocent people had died for it to be called just a scrimmage.

Freed from the grip of the Dominion The Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassian had moved in to reclaim the territory that had been taken from them. The end result was the Romulans and Klingon had gotten half each, the Cardassians had gotten nothing, but dead compatriots and destroyed ships. Starfleet who had been sent to quell the dustup lost eight ships and 1200 personnel.

“That battle happened 20 years ago.” Tyr thought. It had been part of his required reading during his Academy days.

“How old is she, and how long has she been in Starfleet?” Tyr wondered aloud.

“I estimate she is about 75 years old. When she retires Admiral Hemingway will have completed 50 years with Starfleet. However, there is an old Starfleet saying. 'There is no such thing as a retired Starfleet Officer. More than likely Starfleet will keep her on payroll as some kind of consultant, as they cannot afford to lose that kind of talent. And remember, she like Haxhis has a LOT of pull. The Divine gave these women to you for a reason Tyr. They are very talented, they all love you. Love them, take care of them and they'll take care of you and watch your back.” Khan said.

Although Tyr had heard every word the Katay had said, he was still stuck on Amanda's age. He just couldn't believe she was old enough to be his grandmother yet didn't look a day over thirty.

“If it's any consolation, Tamara's age is not far from hers.” Khan said, sensing his Nietzschean brother's thoughts.

“And Xena?” Tyr hazarded to ask.

“She's two years younger than you.” Khan replied as he pulled his whiskers back with mirth. “That's not going to be a problem for you is it?” he continued and gazed with concern at Tyr. The Nietzschean looked as if he was going to be sick. According to his 'cousins' he was living the Human males fantasy. Younger man with older women. The Nietzscheans had been genetically engineered to adapt to, live and thrive under any circumstances. Could he survive this?

“Believe it or not, there are great things in store for you Tyr. And your wives are going to be part of the key to your success. The other part will be you. I think it's high time that some segments of the universe realize that women are not just baby makers.” Khan said.

Tyr immediately recognized Khan's inference to the prevailing Nietzschean philosophy of bloodlines, pedigrees, good breeding and the purity of the race. Oft times forgetting that very women who produced said children, needed to be loved and treated with dignity.

“Divine, why hast thous done thus to thee” Tyr asked, mentally. He was not a praying man, but there were times when even he needed spiritual intervention.

“You'll do good, Tyr.” Khan said as he pat his brother's back and huffed. The Admiral was approaching.

“Captain. A word with you please.” she said, as she gestured to him to follow her. She led him off to a quiet corner that wasn't occupied with debating dignitaries and turned to face him.

“You didn't have that before.” Tyr said. His sharp eyes noticed the tiny diamond post she now sported in her right nostril. It was very becoming.

“I removed it when William died. But, since I'm married, according to Promethian tradition I am required to wear it again.” she explained.

Tyr reminded himself to bring her a Double Helix armband. If Haxhis was arriving, that meant her pet Captain Boliver his arch rival and pain in the neck would be at her side. The Double Helix would keep Charlemagne from sniffing around and harassing Amanda.

“I know I told everyone the meeting will commence at 1000 hours, but I would like us to meet at 0800 hours for breakfast. Is that okay with you, Tyr? I hope I'm not imposing on the rest of the family.” she continued.

“No you are not. Both wives are with each other and currently off ship enjoying themselves. They are probably in a spa or shopping or both.” Tyr replied, with a smile. “In fact, I believe you know one of them.” he continued.

“Oh?” she asked.

“Vulcan, short red hair, Human name. . .” he started.

“Tamara. . . . .?” she asked, aghast. “Tamara is here? And she is your wife?”

“Yes, she is my number one.” Tyr replied proudly.

“Who is number two?” Amanda asked.

“Xena Annol, my Chief of Security.” Tyr replied.

“It looks like I'm in excellent company.” Amanda replied.

“Thank you. Yes, I will meet you in the morning.” Tyr replied.

“Excellent. Meet me at the Pepper Pot.” she said.

“Good night, Amanda.” Tyr whispered as he pressed a brief kiss on her forehead. Like Tamara and Xena, Amanda was a tall woman, standing only two inches shorter than him, so he didn't have to bend far.

“Good night, Bo.” she said as she gave him a return kiss.

“Bo?” Tyr asked.

“That's my new pet name for you, Tyr. Unless you'd prefer another.” Amanda replied, as she bat her eyes and smiled sweetly at him. Tyr returned the smile and shook his head. The name was officially stuck in stone.

“Bo?” Khan asked when Tyr rejoined him and filed out of the meeting with the rest of the dignitaries.

“Don't ask.” Tyr replied in a mock annoyed tone. He smiled inwardly because he was loving it.

PHOTO CREDIT:  Trekkie Gal ( Klingon ship docking at Deep Space Nine )

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