Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dream Chaser - Chapter #107

Free Enterprise  -   Dream Chaser  -  Chapter  #107

”Tamara, why did you inhale your food so? Did you not eat today?” Tyr asked mentally. When together they would automatically fall into the comfortable habit of conversing telepathically, instead of verbally.

“I was starving, Babe!” Tamara replied. They had completed their meal. The dishes had been placed into the recycler and now they were sitting snuggled together on the sofa.

“Tamara. What have I told you about missing meals?” Tyr asked. His First was a typical Vulcan workaholic who would work tirelessly all day and even work out and forget to eat.

“At times I really get caught up in my work. Plus the food was delicious. All the more reason to snarf it up!” Tamara replied with a grin. Before meeting Tamara, it was impossible for Tyr to envision ANY Vulcan snarfing ANYTHING. . . . . . . . .

“It was only lasagne.” Tyr thought in reply.

“It's by far the very best lasagne I've ever tasted. Even the best Vulcan lasagnes don't compare to yours! What other dishes can you cook?” She asked. In response, Tyr ticked off an impressive list.

“Have you ever thought of being a professional cook and or opening your own business?” she asked.

“I had briefly toyed with the idea, but as Barbarossa used to say: 'That was not what I was born for.” Tyr replied.

“OMG! Such talent going to waste!” Tamara despaired.

“Not really. Being able to cook means I can provide healthy and properly prepared sustenance for my family without sickening or poisoning them.” Tyr replied.

Though they both knew that Nietzscheans were capable of ingesting most poisons without suffering the most common side affect known to man. Death.

* * * * * * * * *

Hours later after "cuddling", Tamara suddenly burst into tears. Since he had been forewarned by Khan about this, Tyr simply enfolded her in his arms and allowed her to cry herself dry.

She then quietly excused herself, went to the fresher to wash and dry her face, and returned to the comfort of her consorts arms.

“Tamara, what brought that on?” Tyr asked verbally as if he didn't already know.

“I can't help but think that we have been engaging in fruitless activity.” Tamara whispered in reply.

“Fruitless activity? How?” Tyr asked. He knew where this was going and was trying stop the train wreck.

“I'm perfectly aware of the fact that Nietzschean males only mate in order to produce a legacy. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have been rendered incapable of producing said legacy, so why persist to. . . . .” Tamara started.

“Tamara. Have we not discussed and put this subject to rest nearly a year ago when we first. . . .?” Tyr started, interrupting his First.

“Yes we have. However, I cannot help but ponder my true value as a wife if I am unable to produce offspring.” Tamara replied. Tyr knew when Tamara was stressed, nervous or upset, she reverted to speaking Proper Vulcan Standard without consonants.

”Women are very insecure creatures and need to be reminded that they are loved and appreciated constantly. A gentle word here or there, an action, can go a very long way with them.” Khan once told him.

“Tamara, I. . . .” was as far as Tyr got.

“I'm officially requesting permission for medical leave.” Tamara stated firmly, as she sat up. The romantic mood totally destroyed, Tyr sat up also.

“For how long?” Tyr queried.

“Perhaps six months.” she replied.

"Six months? What the. . . . . ." Tyr frowned and thought behind his thought shield

“Reason?” Tyr asked, verbally.

Tamara pondered for a bit. Technically she did not have to tell him. But, she was between a rock and a hard place. Not only was Tyr her consort, but he was also her Commanding Officer. When a Captain of a Starship asked for six months medical leave, it was a serious issue. After all, who would be qualified to take her place while she was gone? Starship Captains were not baked up like muffins in a muffin pan . . . .

“The last time I saw Doctor S'lbin, the most respected reproductive specialist on Vulcan, he 1. Declared there was nothing he could do for me. 2. Referred me to a specialist on Bajor. “ Tamara replied.

"Tamara, wasn't it nearly three years ago when you last saw Dr. S'lbin?" Tyr asked.

"Exactly, three years, two months, 17 hours. It has taken me this long to finally slay the dragons and  demons." Tamara replied, as a tear rolled down out of her left eye. Tyr used his hand to tender wipe it away then drew her close.

"Why Bajor?” he asked, after she had calmed down.

“Due to the Cardassian Occupation, many Bajoran women were abused in the same manner as I. Some worse. A Doctor Falin Tarva devoted her life and pioneered new techniques to repair the damage. She also spearheaded the Life Force Team. Life Force is a team of doctors, personally trained by her to repair such damage, not only in Bajoran women but all humaniod women.” Tamara replied.

“What is their track record?” Tyr asked.

“So far, they have a 90% success rate.” Tamara replied. "Yes, Tyr. I realize in life there is always a 10% failure rate." she continued.

“Yet, you are still willing to take the risk?” Tyr asked.

“Yes, Tyr.” she replied.

“When will you be leaving?” Tyr asked.

“Five days after we arrive at the station.” Tamara replied.

Tyr mentally tabulated what this meant. Two of his wives were going to be off station. Tamara was going to Bajor and would be out of the mix for approximately six months. Give or take how long it took for her to recover. As soon as The Insurrection arrived at Deep Space Ten Amanda was heading to Prometheus to pick up her Starfleet Academy bound, grand daughters. Thus she would be off station for approximately six weeks.

“The Life Force representative also explained, if at all possible I should bring a loved one or friend to stay with me. . . . It would help encourage and speed my recovery. I'd love for YOU to come and stay with me, but, I realize because of your rank and duties you can't. So I asked Desi to come with me. She has the advantage of not being a Starfleet officer, and thus does not need to take medical leave like me.” Tamara stated.

“Tamara, . . . . . she is with child . . . . .” Tyr replied, hesitantly. He automatically knew due to the Nietzschean's accelerated growth pattern. Two women and an unborn child would be leaving, and two women and a newborn would return.

“We're both aware of that fact, but she agreed to go, anyway. It just means when it's time she will have the baby on Bajor. There'll be nothing to worry about, Babe. After all, Life Force has a fully staffed reproductive specialty facility, so they'll have no problems delivering a wee one.” Tamara said.

Tyr mentally added Desi and her yet unborn baby to the list. He also wondered if Barbarossa had to make these kinds of decisions concerning his wives.

"Just think, Desi's child would be the first Nietzschean citizen of Bajor." she added.

Tyr was both amazed and proud that Tamara had carefully researched and thought through all of the details before approaching him. Though he loathed to see Tamara and Desi go, he had no choice but to let them. It would've been an insult not to.

“Please file the request as soon possible and I will likewise approve and sign it.” Tyr replied. “Also Tam. If the procedure does not work, please promise me that you will not waste any more precious time chasing a dream all over the Alpha Quadrant.” he continued.

“I promise.” Tamara said, as she smiled for the first time since the conversation started.

“Computer. Play Billy Joel, Cut 74." Tyr ordered. The Insurrection's computer immediately complied.

More "cuddling" ensued, as Billy Joel crooned in the background:

Don't go changing, to try and please me
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are . . . . .

Don't go trying some new fashion
Don't change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care

I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are.

I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.

I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.

Note To Readers: The name of the song is, "I Love You Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel. I thought it was most appropriate. Yeah, I know, "romantic sap" I be. . . . . . . .

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